Ministries Info

Our Organizations & Ministries

St. Anthony of PaduaAltar Rosary Society
The Altar Rosary Society was established in 1948 at St. Anthony of Padua. Women join together to emulate the Blessed Mother through prayer and service activities. They contribute turkeys and hams for Social Concerns, sponsor a dinner for Holly House and make donations to our church. They also host a Communion breakfast, a May crowning, a living Rosary and a baby shower for Birthright every year.
Contact: Jan Guthrie Co-Chair President 609 609 731-4447, Rae Rasi Co-Chair President 609 443-6339

Altar Servers
Girls and boys ten years of age or older who received their First Holy Communion, lead the procession at each Mass by carrying the Cross, bringing the bread and wine to the altar and wash/dry the priest’s hands.
Contact: Ivy 609 422-6818

Adult altar servers for church funerals
Contact: Eileen Ernst  609 426-1380
St. Anthony of Padua Church

Anthonian Seniors
An organization of parish members who are 50 years of age or older, whose goal is to provide spiritual and educational enrichment and the opportunity for service and fellowship. Socials are scheduled throughout the year. Meetings: First Tuesday of each month at 1 pm. Check bulletin for changes in time and date.
Contact: Teresa Knoll 609-448-3390

Bereavement Ministry
St. Anthony offers programs and services to those who are experiencing grief due to the loss of a spouse, parent or child. The goal is to acknowledge and respond to the variety of emotions experienced in grief and to strengthen the coping skills needed by individuals as they move through the grieving process.
Contact: Parish office 609 448-0141

St. Anthony of Padua Church
This ministry handles the preparation and decoration of the Church for Sunday’s Liturgy, feast days, and special occasions.

Greeters provide a welcoming atmosphere by greeting attendees at weekend and holy day Masses and other parish events. Young people especially are invited to participate. Contact Rae Rasi 609 443-6339St. Anthony of Padua Church

Helping Hands Ministry
This worthwhile ministry provides support for individuals with special needs. A special need could be: a ride to services, helping with light chores, picking up prescriptions, an occasional ride to a doctor, or perhaps enjoying the company of a weekly visit.  Go to our Helping Hands Page for more information.
Contact: Call office

Homebound and Nursing Home/Health Care Residents
Ministers provide the Eucharist on a weekly basis to those parishioners confined (long or short-term) to their homes and also to our extended family in local nursing homes and health care facilities.
Contact: Barbara Bocchino 609 799-0850

St. Anthony

Children’s Liturgy of the Word
All young children are invited to participate to hear the gospel and a special children’s homily. Dates for the liturgy are published in the bulletin.
Contact: Joanne and John Tyne 609 443-1069

Knights of Columbus
A fraternal organization of Catholic men, running service programs; we welcome any interested parish men to join us. Go to our Knights of Columbus Page for more information.
Contact: Richard Gavila 609 578-0446

Music Ministries

  • Anthony Choir welcomes anyone of high school age and over who enjoys choral singing. This four-part mixed choir sings at the 10:30 AM Mass on Sundays and at major feasts of the church year. Rehearsals are on Thursday evenings, 7:30 to 9:30 PM. Contact Quentin Marty (609 448-3944).music
  • Contemporary Choir sings liturgical music in contemporary/folk styles.  The choir sings at the 9:00 AM Sunday Mass and at other liturgical celebrations.  Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings, 7:15 to 9:00 PM. Contact Cathy Doyle (609 448-6120).
  • Hispanic Choir sings at the 12 noon Sunday Mass in Spanish.  Rehearsals are on Tuesday evenings, 7:00 to 9:30 PM and on Friday evenings, 7:00 to 9:30 PM. Contact Nelson Rivera (609 510-9891).
  • Children’s Choir is seasonal and is formed in the Fall in preparation for Christmas, and in the Winter in preparation for Easter.  The Christmas Choir invites kids in grades 3 and above, and the Easter Choir welcomes kids in grades 4 and above.  Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings, 6:30 to 7:30 PM.  Watch the church bulletin for sign-up times.  Contact Quentin Marty (609 448-3944).
  • Handbell Choirs add special beauty to the major feasts and other occasions throughout the year.  Choir members are from 6th grade through high school and beyond.  Adults are welcome.  Music reading skills and good coordination are helpful.  Rehearsals are on Sunday evenings. Contact Quentin Marty (609 448-3944).
  • Cantoring Ministry welcomes individuals of high school age and over who feel called to serve as psalmist and leader of sung prayer.  This requires musicianship and leadership skills which are secure and inviting.  Cantors lead the assembly’s song at all Sunday Masses and major feasts. Contact Quentin Marty (609 448-3944).
  • Instrumental Music is an important part of St. Anthony’s music program.  Individuals who are skillful at playing a musical instrument are invited to offer their talents as soloists, accompanists to the choirs, and in ensembles throughout the year.

Contact: Quentin Marty, Director of Music Ministries at 609 448-3944

Prayer Garden
Is a garden where parishioners can go and peacefully pray or sit in meditation to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Members are invited to help upkeep the garden and water the plants.

Prayer Groups/Small Christian Communities
Is a faith sharing and fellowship ministry made up of small community of parishioners. Participants may meet in their homes one night a week for six to eight weeks in the fall and then again in the Lenten Season or there may be special topics from scripture readings discussed.
Contact: Deacon Tom Garvey 609 443-5699

Prayer Shawl Ministry
Our group knits & crochets prayer shawls and lap blankets that parishioners & their families can request at no charge for those who are seriously ill, or going through an extremely difficult time in their lives. All shawls are prayed over while being made and are blessed by a Priest or Deacon.
Contact: Rosalie Danek 609 448-8431 or Sarita Rodriquez 718 541-0089

Religious Education Program
Educates the children of the parish from elementary school through eighth grade. The program strives to combine the formal teaching of the Church with real-life opportunities to live the Gospels, and by encouraging children to incorporate Christian values in their daily lives. All parishioners are invited to support the program in a variety of ways. Classes: Weekly, September to May on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings.
Contact: Viviana Bonilla 609 448-0141 x21

Respect Life Ministry
The mission of St. Anthony of Padua Respect Life Ministry is to protect and defend the most fundamental right of humankind, the right to life of every human being from the beginning of life to natural death.
Contact: Tom McGeachen 609-448-8399

St. Anthony of Padua Church
Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA)
Adult Sacramental Preparation, Baptism, Communion and or Confirmation – the OCIA is a process for anyone over the age of seven to become full, active participating members of the Catholic Church. The OCIA helps you to grow in your relationship with God and become more familiar with Catholic teachings and practices. There is no set time period for the process because it depends on each person’s spiritual readiness. The sessions begin early September to Easter. We meet in the Adult Faith Formation Rooms from 10:30am – 11:45am.
Contact: Rosemarie Constable 609 448-0974 or Carlos Quiridumbay 609 819-5153

Children under the age of 18, please contact the Religion Office at 609 448-0141, x21 or x29

Social Justice
Looking to the Gospel narratives, Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount and The Principles of Catholic Social Teaching for inspiration, the Social Justice team has four main goals: 1.) to become more aware of underlying structures that keep people in poverty or negatively affect their human rights. 2.) to help others become aware of these injustices. 3.) to communicate with legislators to encourage their support for human rights legislation. 4.) to sponsor programs that both educate the community and promote justice.
Contact: Nancy Solarski 609 947-1177

Ushers endeavor to make everyone feel welcome in our parish. They greet and guide parishioners to seating areas, distribute literature, receive weekly and monthly contributions, and help maintain church decorum. They are also available for medical emergencies.

Youth Ministry
The goal of our Youth Ministry is to embrace teens in our parish community and provide opportunities for them to: grow in their relationship with God, build a community with other Catholic teens, learn more about their Catholic faith, develop leadership abilities by serving others, and lastly have fun in a safe and faith-filled environment!  We meet bi-weekly on Sunday evenings from 5-7pm in the school gym.
Contact: Nayeli Franco

Additional Ministries, Groups and Contacts

Eucharistic Adoration – Barbara McGeachen 609 448-8399
Filipino Community – Angie Cruz 609 448-2511
GED / ESL – Victor Fernandez 609 468-0304
Latino Community – Alberto Billini 908 670-3630
Lectors – Maurie Grafas 609 558-3168
Liturgy Facilitator – to be determined
Pro-Life – Tom McGeachen 609 448-8399
Spiritual Direction –  call parish office for appointment

El Grupo de Alcólicos Anónimos Latinos Unidos en Recuperación se reune todos los miercoles de 8:00 a 9:00 pm para mas información comuníquese con Alberto Billini 908 670-3630